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Population of india essay

Population of india essay

population of india essay

Population growth is witnessing geometrical progression. The resources of subsistence are increasing in arithmetical progression. India has to accommodate sixteen per cent of total + Words Essay on Population. Population refers to the total number of beings living in a particular area. Population helps us get an estimate of the number of beings and how to act Essay # Population Problem of India: The population problem of India is one of rapid population growth or population explosion. This is due to high birth rate and low declining

Advantages And Disadvantages Of Indian Population Essay Example ( Words) -

Read this comprehensive essay to learn about the 1, population of india essay. Definition of Population, population of india essay, 2. Aspects of Population in India, population of india essay, 3. Age and Sex Structure, 4. Sex Ratio in India and Its Determinants, 5, population of india essay. Growth Rate of Population in India, 6. Factors Contributing to the High Growth Rate of Population, 7. Population Projection in India8. Population Projection in India by India like most countries of the world, has evolved from conditions of high mortality due to famines, accidents, illness, infections, and war and from the time when high levels of fertility was essential for survival of offspring.

Over the years, enhancement in areas of diseases prevention, cure and vagaries of nature, and better care for women and infants, it has witnessed significant increase in life expectancy along with a steep fall in mortality. Population is defined as the total number of individuals of a species in a specific geographical area; can interbreed under natural conditions to produce fertile offsprings and functions as a unit of biotic community. Similar populations of a species occupying different geographical areas are called sister populations of a species e. The frogs Rana tigrina found in different ponds form the local populations and are sister populations of one another.

A local population may be occupying a very-small sized area e. Other examples of populations are all the cormorants in a wetland, rats in an abandoned dwelling, teak wood trees in a forest tract, Paramecia in a culture tube, mosquito fish in a pond, population of india essay, etc. In a geographical area, the population is further divisible into sub-groups called demes, population of india essay. The individuals of a population are capable of interbreeding among themselves. The chances of this sexual communication are more between the members of same deme than between the members of different demes of that population which are further reduced between the members of sister-populations.

Due to this mating ability, there is free flow of genes in a species. The current population of India is 1,, 1. It is predicted that India will beat China to become the highest populous country by With the population growth rate at 1. About The birth rate child births per 1, people per year is Fertility rate is 2. India has the largest illiterate population in the world. The literacy rate of India as per Population Census is Kerala has the highest literacy rate at The population of a state like Uttar Pradesh is almost equal to the population of Brazil. It has, as per Population Census of India, million people and the growth rate is The population of the second most populous state Maharashtra, which has a growth rate of 9. Bihar, with 8. West Bengal with 7. The sex ratio of India stands at Kerala with females per males is the state with the highest female sex ratio.

Pondicherry is second, while Chhattisgarh and Tamil Nadu are at third and fourth places respectively. Haryana with has the lowest female sex population of india essay. The main causes which are generally identified for the high population in India are listed here:. a The Birth Rate is still Higher than the Death Rate:. India has been successful in declining the death rate. On the other hand, it has not been able to control the high birth rates. The fertility rate due to the population policies and other measures has been falling, still it is much higher compared to other countries, population of india essay. Various social causes are at the root of overpopulation in India. Though legally the marriageable age of a girl is 18 years, the concept of early marriage still prevails and getting married at a young age prolongs the child bearing age.

Also, in India, marriage and child bearing are sacrosanct obligations and a population of india essay practice, and almost every woman is married at the reproductive age. Underprivileged families have a presumption that more the number of members in the family, more will be the hands to earn income. Some feel population of india essay more children are needed to look after them in their old age. Also, malnutrition can be the cause of death of their children and hence the need for more children. Many parts of India still lag behind the use of contraceptives and birth control methods. Many of them are not willing to discuss or are totally unaware about them.

Sons are believed to be the bread earners, the carriers of lineage, and the source of population of india essay for their parents. Many families give birth to multiple children in the hope of a male child. Finally, the fact that illegal migration is continuously taking place from lesser developed neighbouring countries is leading to increased population density. The impact of overpopulation is varied and has far reaching consequences in many areas of life. Overpopulation causes massive ecological damage by the wasteful, unnecessary, and unbalanced consumption and exploitation of nature.

According to this review, in many developing countries, continued population growth has resulted in pressure on land, fragmentation of land holding, collapsing fisheries, shrinking forests, rising temperatures, and loss of plant and population of india essay species. Global warming due to increasing use of fossil population of india essay mainly by the developed countries could have serious effects on the populous coastal regions in developing countries, their food production, and essential water supplies, population of india essay. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change has population of india essay that, if current greenhouse gas emission trends continue, the mean global surface temperature will rise from 1 to 3. The ecological impact of rising oceans would include increased flooding, coastal erosion, salination of aquifers, and coastal crop land and displacement of millions of people living near the coast.

Patterns of precipitation are also likely to change, population of india essay, which combined with increased average temperatures, could substantially alter the relative agricultural productivity of different regions. Greenhouse gas emissions are closely linked to both population growth and development. Slower population growth in developing countries and ecologically sustainable lifestyles in developed countries would make reduction in greenhouse gas emission easier to achieve and provide more time and options for adaptation to climate change. Rapid population growth, developmental activities either to meet the growing population or the growing needs of the population, as well as changing lifestyles and consumption patterns pose major challenge to preservation and promotion of ecological balance in India.

Some of the major ecological adverse effects reported in India include:. Severe pressure on the forests, due to both the rate and the nature of resources used. The per capita forest biomass in the country is only about 6 tons as against the global average of 82 tons. Conversion of habitat to land use such as agriculture, urban development, and forestry operation. Tropical deforestation and destruction of mangroves for commercial needs and fuel wood. Increase in agricultural area, high use of chemical fertilizers pesticides and weedicides, water stagnation, soil erosion, soil salinity, and low productivity. High level of biomass burning causing large-scale indoor pollution. Encroachment on habitat for rail and road construction, thereby fragmenting the habitat.

Increase in commercial activities such as mining and unsustainable resource extraction. Degradation of coastal and other aquatic ecosystems from domestic sewage, pesticides, fertilizers, and industrial effluents. Over fishing in water bodies and introduction of weeds and exotic species. Diversion of water for domestic, industrial, and agricultural uses leading to increased river pollution and decrease in self-cleaning properties of rivers. Increasing water requirement leading to tapping deeper aquifers which have high content of arsenic or fluoride resulting in health problems. Disturbance from increased recreational activity and tourism causing pollution of natural ecosystems with wastes left behind by people.

Urbanisation is projected to continue well into the next century. India is also a part of this global trend. As a consequence, cities are facing the problem of expanding urban slums. Cities and towns have become the population of india essay of social change and rapid economic development. Urbanisation is associated with improved access to education, employment, and health care; these result in increase in age at marriage, reduction in family population of india essay, and improvement in health indices. As people have moved towards and into cities, information has flowed outward. Better communication and transportation now link urban and rural areas both economically and socially creating an urban-rural continuum of communities with improvement in some aspects of lifestyle of both.

The ever increasing reach of mass media has made information readily available. This phenomenon has affected health care, including reproductive health, in many population of india essay. For instance, radio and television programmes that discuss gender equity, family size preference, and family planning options are now reaching formerly isolated rural populations. This can create awareness for services for mothers and children, higher contraceptive use, fewer unwanted pregnancies, smaller healthier population of india essay, and lead to more rapid population stabilisation. However, the rapid growth of urban population also poses some serious challenges. Urban population growth has outpaced the development of basic minimum services— housing, water supply, sewerage, and solid waste disposal; increasing waste generation at home, offices, and industries, coupled with poor waste disposal facilities result in rapid environmental deterioration.

Increasing automobiles add to air pollution. All these have adverse effect on ecology and health. Poverty persists in urban and peri-urban areas; awareness about the glaring inequities in close urban setting may lead to social unrest. Agriculture population of india essay the largest and one of the most important sectors of the rural economy and contributes both to economic growth and employment. A large proportion of the rural workforce is small and consists of marginal farmers and landless agricultural labourers. There is substantial under employment among these people; population of india essay wages and productivity are low.

These in turn result in poverty; it is estimated that million people are still living below the poverty line in rural India. Though poverty has declined over the last three decades, the number of rural poor has in fact increased due to the population growth.

Essay on population problem in India -English- Population Problem -- #Population #Yogesh_E_learning

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The Indian Population essay Essay — Free college essays

population of india essay

The current population of India is around crores. According to certain reports, in the next few years, there will be a solid growth of population in India, and globally too. The population is the Essay # Population Problem of India: The population problem of India is one of rapid population growth or population explosion. This is due to high birth rate and low declining The current population of India is 1,,, as in August , based on the latest estimates of the United Nations. In India the density of population is per square

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