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Essay on international relations

Essay on international relations

essay on international relations

International Relations Essays 62 samples found essays on this Topic Subject: Famous Person Pages: 3 Words: Rating: 4,6 Joe Biden – The Transformational President �� International Relations Essay Better Essays Words 11 Pages Open Document The first paradigm of international relations is the theory of Realism. Realism is focused on ideas of 3/08/ · Here’s a list of creative and helpful essay topics for international relations: America and its allies will benefit from rising China Globalizations from a socio-economic point

Free International Relations Essay Examples & Topic Ideas | IvyPanda®

Discuss the evolution of diplomacy as a privileged profession with unique exemptions and immunities. It has been argued that modern communications make the contemporary job of a diplomat obsolete. Do you agree? Why or why not? Diplomacy, essay on international relations, which is referred to as the second oldest profession, has played a pivotal role in facilitating interaction between nations since ancient times. It gained its popularity in international communication after the Treaty of Westphalia. Candidates who are chosen to represent their nations as diplomats in other countries have over the decades enjoyed special benefits and preferential treatment both from their nation of origin and the host countries, essay on international relations. However, diplomats in earlier times were more like hostages whose aim was to ensure peace or compliance with some agreement between sovereign states.

This has changed and today, a series of modern protocols have been set up to establish a framework for the practice of diplomacy, essay on international relations. Guy states that the job of a diplomat is now a privileged profession with such benefits as protection through diplomatic immunity, establishment of embassies, controlling diplomatic relations establishing or breaking them among others However, essay on international relations to modern communication mediums, I believe that the existence of diplomats is long overdue. This is because the world is rapidly becoming a global community. The presence of advanced telecommunication and transport networks have made it possible for people from different parts of the world to interact in real time without the need for intermediary parties diplomats.

Advancements such as video and audio conferencing, e-mailing and faxing are among the popular means of communication around the world. This makes diplomats more of a liability that assets. Identify an interest group that you regard as exerting a powerful influence on Canadian foreign policy and why you think it is so influential. Present global conditions have called for a restructuring to the manner in which nations interact. The program aims at helping the developing or unstable countries establish good governance and healthy nation building, essay on international relations. For peace and stability to prevail, there must be observable elements of cooperation and coordination within the members of the given state in accordance to a pre-prescribed format, essay on international relations.

As such, key to the establishment of any government is the presence of some common and quantifiable goals which are to be pursued collectively. The program intends to achieve its set goals by promoting global citizenship by helping young Canadians to share their innovativeness and enthusiasm with the rest of the world. In addition to this, essay on international relations, the program also provides Canadians with opportunities to transfer their expertise to other regions of the world where it is needed, essay on international relations.

In so doing, the program has a great potential to market Canada and enhance its relations with other countries. In all nations, there arise contentious issues which elicit different reactions at some point in time. How such issues are diffused may determine the subsequent success or failure of the nation. Discuss the four major contemporary influences on diplomacy. Will multilateral diplomacy eventually displace bilateral diplomacy? Evaluate the opportunities and pitfalls of summit diplomacy. Diplomacy is built and affected by the political, cultural, geographical and economical influences that exist within a nation. Factors such as dictatorship, impunity, poverty, aridity, scarcity of land, ethnic feuds and ignorance deter diplomatic essay on international relations while democracy, equitable distribution of resources and self sustenance build it.

Multilateral diplomacy has in the recent past proved to be more valuable than bilateral diplomacy. This can be attributed to essay on international relations fact that the world is on the verge of a major breakthrough in terms of formulating international relations between countries globalization. As such, addressing issues such as pollution, war, global peace and preservation of human rights is no longer tasked to any one or two countries. This is because these issues affect everyone in one way or the other and multilateral diplomacy presents concerned nations with a way to resolve them together. In short, multilateral diplomacy is the key to global peace and unity as opposed to bilateral diplomacy which even though effective, seems to address concerns of individual nations and how best they can benefit from each other.

The main advantage on this form of diplomacy is that international ties and relations are made stronger upon agreement on unanimous solutions, leaders from smaller countries get to learn more on good governance from their counterparts and it offers the leaders a chance to talk their minds on issues that affect their countries. In addition to this, solutions are implemented faster than in any other form of diplomacy, essay on international relations. The disadvantages include manipulation whereby leaders from influential countries may affect the decision of their weaker counterparts, offers no room for discussion for other members of the nation thereby denying them their democratic rights and may lead to further turmoil and disagreement since leaders are proud and have the need to exert power even in disagreements.

Identify three foreign-policy goals that you believe should be pursued by Canadian diplomats and leaders. Cultural diversity poses a serious threat to Canadian security. With the rate of immigration growing higher each year, there is bound to be intercultural encounters at one point or another. Guy alludes to the truth in this fact by pointing out the frequency with which intercultural encounters occur in modern day society He attributes this to the communication and transport advancements that man has made over time.

Essay on international relations skills are necessary for the success of interactions and while essay on international relations are in no way infallible means of guaranteeing no conflicts, they do minimize the occurrence of the same in Canada. Terrorist activities have been on a high note all through the world. The most shocking thing is essay on international relations the perpetrators of these hideous acts are no longer foreign but also local, essay on international relations. As such, the probability of a terrorist attack is always eminent with no clear indication as to when or where it may happen and by whom. The third threat is information security threats. Both civilian and government owned infrastructure have been targets of cyber related attacks in Canada.

Canadian diplomats and leaders should emphasize their efforts on promoting peaceful interactions with other nations, encourage democracy by adhering to the international laws and promote international peace by participating in the control of weapons of mass destruction and disarmament proceedings. In your opinion, has the US war in Iraq since made the world more dangerous or more stable? Name one thing you think Canada can do to make the global system less violent, essay on international relations. It was the horrific events of September 11 that triggered a fully fledged war on terror and the subsequent invasion of Afghanistan and later on Iraq by United States and her allies.

While the Afghanistan essay on international relations led to the overthrow of the Taliban government, essay on international relations, the effect of the Iraqi invasion was the overthrowing of the oppressive regime of Saddam Hussein and its replacement by a democratically elected western backed government. In my opinion, essay on international relations, this invasion has actually made the world a more dangerous and unstable place than it was prior to this war. It is interesting to note that before the US led invasion on Iraq, essay on international relations country was a stable and somewhat affluent country despite the multiple allegations of human rights abuses and atrocities perpetuated by the president.

However, on being invaded, the country became turbulent with numerous incidents of suicide bombers and random attacks on police outposts, government buildings, hospitals and even civilian houses. These insurrections are a direct result of the occupation of Iraqi, essay on international relations. Another point to note is that as a result of the war, the USA has resulted to direct interventions as opposed to the previous methods of economic sanctions against offending nations Croft In a bid to establish military allies, the US has also significantly eased its hard stance on nations that it once deemed as questionable thereby lifting sanctions especially where weapons are concerned.

These dealings have dealt essay on international relations blow to fights against human rights abuses and have lead to the empowerment of dictatorial governments in some cases. The presence of the Canadian military in Afghanistan has not led to international peace since Canada is part of the US led allied forces who are trying to restore essay on international relations and order to Afghanistan. In my opinion, Canada can make the global system less violent by engaging its enemies the Taliban in this case in dialogue and seeking compromises as opposed to taking up hard lined policies that only utilize military force to achieve results. This positive contribution by Canadian forces can only be achieved by diverting from the traditional Allied Forces policy of none tolerance to perceived terrorists groups such as the Taliban.

Discuss the hypothesis that the best way for nation-states to preserve peace is to prepare for war. Does global interdependence promote peace? What kinds of foreign-policy strategies and tactics would you recommend to meet the challenge of peace? Why is peace such an ideologically charged concept? Arguably, the best way of preserving peace is by preparing for war. This is true because prevention is better that cure. Citizens in a country that is well prepared for war perceive that nation as secure. This in turn gives them a peace of mind. In addition to this, superpowers like the United States, Russia and China essay on international relations rarely involved in wars because of the fear that they strike to their essay on international relations enemy.

No country would dare attack for fear of being obliterated. On the other hand, essay on international relations, the statement may be false because there are other factors that may disrupt peace. They include nature, psychological issues and diseases all which cannot be solved by weapons and soldiers. Global interdependence does promote peace. It facilitates economic growth, essay on international relations, promotes unity and sharing of resources. For example, essay on international relations, the United States army is often deployed in unstable countries to help fight rebellions and promote peace where the host nations have failed.

The challenge of peace can only be tackled by the promoting education through out the world. This is because ignorance is far much worse than we perceive It to be. Lack of education leads to poverty which is the root of all problems therefore if tackled then violence and war would greatly reduce. The best way to facilitate this is by offering grants and other forms of assistance to those who need them but cannot afford or access them. The definition of peace varies from one person to another. As such, peace is ideologically charged because it depends on how society understands it in terms of their beliefs, values and varied opinions. Some hold that the frequency of international acts of violence has diminished in the twentieth century.

Discuss the apparent irony of this fact against the possibility of nuclear annihilation. Do you think the risk of essay on international relations posed by nuclear weapons has caused a reduction in the frequency of war since the end of the Second World War? Discuss whether negotiated arms-control agreements can achieve the goal of arms reduction and possible disarmament. Is total disarmament possible, or even desirable? This has led to the conclusion that the world is indeed becoming a more peaceful place. However, this is against the backdrop of an increase in weapon technology which has led to the situation whereby one nation can accomplish colossal damage on its enemies in the event of war on a scale that the armies of historic times could not fathom.

This is especially made possible by the availability of nuclear weapons which possess the power to wipe out cities, nations and even the entire world, essay on international relations. As such, while the frequency of international action of violence has on the surface decreased, the capability for violence has increased exponentially. In my opinion, essay on international relations, the risk of annihilation posed by nuclear weapons has led to a decrease in major wars as countries with nuclear abilities shy away from military confrontations.

For example, in the Cold War era, the United States and the Soviet Union avoided direct military confrontations and only engaged in proxy wars since they both acknowledged that if they essay on international relations in a fully fledged war, there was risk of total annihilation owing to the presence of huge nuclear warhead stockpiles by both nations. While negotiated arms-control agreements do have their success stories, it is unlikely that they will achieve disarmament in any foreseeable future. The Foreign Affairs Committee of Great Britain declares that Arms control and treaties are only useful if negotiated from a position of strength As such, negotiations and treaties can be dangerous when negotiated from a position of weakness as was witnessed at the end of the First World War whereby Germany was forced into arms embargos.

Core Concepts in International Relations: Levels of Analysis

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International Relations' Aspects - Words | Essay Example

essay on international relations

3/08/ · Here’s a list of creative and helpful essay topics for international relations: America and its allies will benefit from rising China Globalizations from a socio-economic point International Relations Essays 62 samples found essays on this Topic Subject: Famous Person Pages: 3 Words: Rating: 4,6 Joe Biden – The Transformational President �� International Relations Essay Better Essays Words 11 Pages Open Document The first paradigm of international relations is the theory of Realism. Realism is focused on ideas of

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